6 make your blog friendly to search engine with {Meta Tag}

Everyone knows the importance of search engines in the success and popularity of a website, When we talk about search engine automatically We're talking about spiders,

The first thing that see these spiders in your blog is the meta tag I mean keywords, description and title of your blog,

 for  Example, suppose you put the word computer in the "keywords". When a person looking for  "computer" will spiders put your blog in the first results
on this post i will explain 7 META TAG and its importance in improving the search results (search engine optimization) 

0 Adsense, Earn money from your blog [beginning]

Any site or blog need moral and material support To continue in the tender and shine
You will learn in this subject the method of registration in the Google AdSense program put ads on your blog

Before we begin this simple definition for Google Adsense

Initial release : June 18, 2003

1 How to index your site in search engines

In this post we will learn how to make a sitemap for our website and added 
to the search engines Like Google

The first thing we have to enter to this site, will make a sitemap


0 How to create a blog on blogger platform

How to create a blog on blogger

absolutely the way is so simple and all body know how create one
but may be some didn't know or he find some problem During Signup
this topic for them i will explain every stage from stages of signup and post the first blog

1 Adsense and HTML Code Converter

Blogger Ad Code Converter

If you want to add Adsense Ad units or any other ad scripts inside the Blogger Post or anywhere in the Blog, You can't directly Paste it in the template code. You need to first convert the code using this HTML Entities Encoder tool and then you can put ads anywhere you want

7 How to add FOLLOWERS widget to blogger

How to add FOLLOWERS widget to blogger

You Want to know who regularly reads your blog and set up a public base of loyal readers for your blog?

So you must add this tool until it becomes its own blog FOLLOWERS

Add this gadget is very simple

login on your account Go to "Dessign" then "Page Elements"

Click on the link "Add Gadget" which appears on the sidebar of the layout

In the pop-up window look for this tools "Followers" and click on it

Now you can save with the default style of your template

and you can choose a new style 

after you choose what you want click "save" and go to you blog
look the result , these is my result

one Follower "very bad result" -_^

We meet on another post,, Bye

4 Add a poll widget to your blog

On this simple post I will explain how to add a poll gadget for blogger

There are several ways to interact with your readers and visitors. The comments section for each post is one way for your readers to interact with you.

 But if you want to find out whether your readers like your template. Here you can not write a topic to know the opinion of visitors and readers through comments

The best way is to open a poll, ask for the opinion of visitors to a particular thing, for example,

1 Tips for choosing your blog template

Tips for choosing your template - No more confusion and thinking

question you posed at yourself, All you want to choose a template or change your blog template, "Are the Red or Black why not the green no no the blue is the best...."

In the end, you find yourself Bored all templates, And dispersion your ideas, So you should know some things before your choice, Especially that the majority likes the constant change

0 Add the number of comments in the title

Subject is clear from the title, Is to explain how to add the number

of comments  in the title As in this Blog

Alawys before change any thing you should to take a backup of

your template.

Now go to " Edit HTML" click on "Expand Widget"

0 Add styled sharing dock widget

Hello all in a new addition to blogger

This add-on would make buttons participation in Dock style

add this widget is very simply, after loggin to your Dashboard

go to "Design", "pageElements" and "Add a Gadget"


Now choose "HTML/JavaScrpit"

and put this code

<style type="text/css">
  #sharedock { position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 90px; z-index: 999; }
  #dock { position: relative; bottom: 0; font: 13px "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
  .dock-container { position: relative; background:url(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rTP2rxDdw8M/TYAo3Mb6HrI/AAAAAAAAAMA/pj0qjFoQP88/s1600/0.gif) no-repeat bottom center; height: 50px; padding: 20px 0 20px 0; }
  .dock-container .custom_images a { display: block;  position: absolute; bottom: 0; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; color: #333; cursor: pointer; }
  .dock-container .custom_images span { background: rgba(0,0,0,.75); display: none; padding: 2px 8px; margin-left: 17px; font-size: 11px; color: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; }
  .dock-container .custom_images img { border: 0; margin: 5px 0px 10px 0px; width: 100%; }
<div id="sharedock">
  <div id="dock">
  <div class="dock-container">
<div class="addthis_toolbox"> 
 <div class="custom_images">
 <a class="addthis_button_facebook"><span>Facebook</span><img src="http://addthis.com/cms-content/images/gallery/aquaticus_facebook.png" alt="Share to Facebook" /></a>
  <a class="addthis_button_twitter"><span>Twitter</span><img src="http://addthis.com/cms-content/images/gallery/aquaticus_twitter.png" alt="Share to Twitter" /></a>
<a class="addthis_button_myspace"><span>MySpace</span><img src="http://addthis.com/cms-content/images/gallery/aquaticus_myspace.png" alt="Share to MySpace" /></a>
<a class="addthis_button_stumbleupon"><span>Stumble</span><img src="http://addthis.com/cms-content/images/gallery/aquaticus_stumbleupon.png" alt="Stumble It" /></a>
<a class="addthis_button_reddit"><span>Reddit</span><img src="http://addthis.com/cms-content/images/gallery/aquaticus_reddit.png" alt="Share to Reddit" /></a>
<a class="addthis_button_delicious"><span>Delicious</span><img src="http://addthis.com/cms-content/images/gallery/aquaticus_delicious.png" alt="Share to Delicious" /></a>
  <a class="addthis_button_more"><span>More...</span><img src="http://addthis.com/cms-content/images/gallery/addthis_64.png" alt="More..." /></a>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://addthis.com//cms-content/images/gallery/fisheye-iutil.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  $(function () { 
  // Dock initialize
  maxWidth: 30,
  items: 'a',
  itemsText: 'span',
  container: '.dock-container',
  itemWidth: 50,
  proximity: 60,
  alignment : 'left',
  valign: 'bottom',
  halign : 'center'

save and go to your blog show the add-on

If did not work with you this way , try with this

go "Edit HTML"

and look for this


just before it past the code the above-mentioned

the result will be a nice sharing buttons in your blog

When you pass the mouse icon will be move 

live demo from here : LIVE DEMO

0 add live traffic widget for blogger

how to add live traffic widget for blogger

Special add-on

This service is provided from the site

First, after entry to the site put pressure on the choose your feedjit

Then put pressure on the sing up for free "Feedjit Completely Free"

Then file out : Name, email etc.

Then be transferred to:

1- Choose Ready models style and color That correspond to your site

2- Choose new models Model of your choice

3- select widget width

4- The number of visitors who will appear

5- choose your Platform 

qnd click "GO" the widget will be added automatically

0 Add "Page loaded in ..." For blogger

Add "Page loaded in ..." For blogger

Today with a light added is They show the page load time , as in this picture

This add-on is very easy
As usual we go to control panel, Design and Edit HTML


First thing take a backup of your template.
click "Expand Widget Templates"
and look for this words
 and past this code  under it
<!-- page load timer -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
var d = new Date();
var starttime = d.getTime(); //Get the start time
now look for this :
and past just before it this code :
<!-- page load timer start by a4why.blogspot.com -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
var d2 = new Date();
var endtime = d2.getTime(); //Get the end time
//Find the difference between the start and end times
var totaltime = (endtime - starttime)/1000;
//Round 2 decimal places
var result = Math.round(totaltime*100)/100;
//Output results to a &quot;P&quot; element
document.getElementById(&quot;loadtime&quot;).innerHTML = &quot;Page loaded in: &quot;+ result +&quot; seconds&quot;;
<!-- page load timer end by a4why.blogspot.com-->
 save the template

  then go to "pageElements"

and add a gadget "HTML/JavaScrpit"
Put This code and save
<!-- Widget portion -->
<p id="loadtime">a4why.blogspot.com</p>
change "a4why.blogspot.com" with what you want

The result will be show the time of loaded the page In the place that you put the gadget

0 Add a floating Share Buttons to your blog

How to add a floating Share Buttons to your blog

This addon floating moving with the move of the page

First thing take backup of your template.

After logging on the control panel and then design, then edit the Html,


Look for this code


And Paste this code before it
#sharebox {background-color:#FFFFFF;border-color:#C1CDCD;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;left:103px;bottom:40px;margin-top:10px;position:fixed;width:64px;}#sharebox .float {margin:7px}.FBConnectButton_Text{font-size: 8px;padding:2px 4px 3px !important;}

Then look for the following line:

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

just before it, paste this code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><div id='sharebox'><div class='float'><script src='http://tweetmeme.com/i/scripts/button.js' type='text/javascript'/></div><div class='float'><a href='http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php' name='fb_share' type='box_count'>Share</a><script src='http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share' type='text/javascript'/><div class='clear'/></div><div class='float'><a class='google-buzz-button' data-button-style='normal-count' href='http://www.google.com/buzz/post' title='Post on Google Buzz'/><script src='http://www.google.com/buzz/api/button.js' type='text/javascript'/></div><div class='float'><script src='http://www.stumbleupon.com/hostedbadge.php?s=5'/></div></div></b:if>

Then press to save the template 

0 How to get Backlinks from Google

How to get backlinks from Google

Subject today from the currency of sites or so-called Backlinks and are external links pointing to your site, whether from the same site (internal backlinks) or from other sites (External Backlinks),many webmasters 
 do not know the importance of these linkages, and the truth is that these links is like the money, where That the more links pointing to your site all the many visitors to your site.

2 Tips to avoid closing your Website

 Tips to avoid closing your Website or blog
you Established a blog published by a good number of posts, and published in search engines, and enter many people from everywhere, and suddenly stop all of this, when you enter to find your blog, Google says you

Imagine what you feel then, and what you say that Google is unfair and liar, and etc. .

So I dedicate Here are some tips to avoid closing your blog

Spam,, What is spam

Spam begin with the emergence of service providers, e-mail link your blog
Which was to send messages to a large number of email is spam and abuse
And specialized international agencies had to work laws deter from sending spam messages

And these laws came to limit the advertising messages are large, but so far they use other ways roundabout

Risk of spam

In European countries and the continent of America and some other countries which apply the law and found a radical solution to spam is the Prison, but these are punishment Applied in a few specific countries

But came another solution

Your host or service provider server of the sites of the parent company or with another name the data Center

There is a problem if you tried to send spam, which is
Close your site by the Data Center or by Google

With the payment of a fine by your host, and sometimes it is shutting down your host server as well, "Of course, you will not pay anything"

I advise you to  that Stay away from spam and not send any message disturbing

Another Tip

Do not add your site twice or three or more to search engines 
and this will work for you Problem
And your site will be suspended from appearing search engines and blocked
So the best solution to send your site to search engines every month or fortnightly to indexed the sections and pages on your site properly and without problems
It is possible to add your site every three months or more does not have any problem

Now the important Tip in this topic To be spreading your site properly
Great advice here,to your site appears significantly in the search engines

What is Meta Tag?

Meta tag mission is to get to know your site to search engines with the exception of search engine Google
It is a important words from your content and also the language of the site and also the name of your site and this is very useful for search engines

Where if your website is for softwares and wrote in a Meta Tag "the largest site for softwares" and at the same time visitors came to the search engine and wrote the largest site for softwares. Your site will appear in the first page of search results and here, you know the important of the Meta Tag

not forget writing the largest possible number of words used by the user search engine

I hope to benefit you from these tips

before you see in your site

0 What is SEO - Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization 

Search Engine Optimization or In other words, the way to the most important 
ten results of search engines Such as Google, Yahoo and other search engines 
used by Internet users

Search Engine Optimization very important part of e-marketing

0 hide date, time and author of Blogger posts

"How to hide the date and the time of publication and author of Blogger topics"

  In some templates the history of the subject place above the title of the topic, 

giving the template form is not coordinated to some extent, 

in others there are people who love to write without appearing,

or in other words they write in secret, where do not want to recognize one 

of their identity and of whom I am, therefore I decided to put 

This story is to have them help, God willing.

6 Add Linkedin Share Button with to Blogger

How To Add "Linkedin" Share Button with in Posts Blogger

as twitter doing his Button official post share on Twitter

The Giant linkedin Announce, as announced by Twitter

Put buttons formal participation for blog posts and threads through the site, and those who do not know the site, it is a social network like facebook, but it is used by more businessmen and traders, in the sense that if your blog or website contains articles on business or shopping for a product, you can bring a lot of visitors and buyers across the This magnificent site is through the participation of your posts 

0 Make a SEO Blog Title for your blog

Delete the address of the blog by the title of the topic in the Blogs blogger

Yes, for example, if the title of the entry in the search engines is the 

"world of the Web - a beautiful addition to the blogger" ,

 it would be "a beautiful addition to the blogger " 

only to make it easier to find your posts by the search engines 

Many looking for that special way, which have many benefits 

and veryuseful in the search.

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